For Businesses and Corporations
Reveille’s donors are the lifeblood of our organization. Their gifts make it possible for us to do more than simply put on an amazing show: with their help we can go above and beyond and send ALL our members to events like the GALA Chorus Festival, or even to other cities and countries to collaborate with groups like the Puerto Vallarta Gay Men’s Chorus. Their generosity enables us to commission unique pieces from amazing artists like Nehemiah Luckett and Julio Morales who, like us, want to change lives with their music.

We believe our supporters deserve recognition, so we have developed the following sponsorship packages to recognize and celebrate their support. The listed benefits and Season-Sponsor titles will be granted and published in both mainstage concert programs for the season following the donation.
Custom sponsorship opportunities can be arranged. Just CONTACT US.
Sponsorship Levels
Mention in social media posts
Invitation for two (2) to our Donor Appreciation Event on opening night
Four (4) tickets to the opening night performance of each mainstage concert
Quarter-page ad in both mainstage concert programs
Recognition with company name/logo and business link on our website for the entire season
Mention in social media posts
Invitation for two (2) to our Donor Appreciation Event on opening night
Six (6) tickets to the opening night performance of each mainstage concert
VIP reserved seating and recognition during a performance
Half-page ad in both mainstage concert programs
Recognition with company name/logo and business link on our website for the entire season
Stand-alone social media post recognizing your contribution
Invitation for four (4) to our Donor Appreciation Event on opening night
Eight (8) tickets to the opening night performance of each mainstage concert
VIP reserved seating and recognition during a performance
Half-page ad in both mainstage concert programs
Recognition with company name/logo and business link on our website for the entire season
Stand-alone social media post recognizing your contribution
Invitation for four (4) to our Donor Appreciation Event on opening night
Twelve (12) tickets to the opening night performance of each mainstage concert
VIP reserved seating and recognition during a performance
Full-page ad (back or inside front/back if available) in both mainstage concert programs
Recognition with company name/logo and business link on our website for the entire season
Producer credit for the concert of choice